
Literature review project

Page history last edited by Susan Murray 12 years, 11 months ago

The table below is meant to help organize our literature review project. We will probably need to adapt it as we go, but for now, we can use it to sign up to participate and to start listing topics to be reviewed (after the working groups have met).


The RefWorks account has been created!

Here is the link to the shared library.  You can view the library here, but please note that you can not add references or make any changes here.  


To add to or edit the library, please to to the RefWorks login page.  The login information is as follows:

Login name = LibraryJournalClub

Password = LitSearches


It is recommended that the reviewers for each group use this synthesis matrix [PDF] from North Carolina State University to structure their reviews. We can link to completed documents temporarily.


Working Group Journal club members
Topics to be reviewed
Link to bibliography

Link to completed

synthesis matrix

Collection Stewardship Susan Murray        
Course Reserves
Information Literacy

Robin Canuel

Megan Fitzgibbons

Brian McMillan

Katherine Hanz

Single Service Point

Vincci Lui

Andrea Miller-Nesbitt

Jennifer Zhao

Document Delivery
HSSL Space Planning        





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