

Page history last edited by andrea.miller-nesbitt@... 6 years, 1 month ago

McGill Library Journal Club


This wiki acts as a workspace for the McGill library journal club. Here you will find our calendar of meetings and a bibliography of readings.


About the group 


Link to the literature review project


Journal Club Meeting Format


The journal club meets on a monthly basis (see the Calendar for all recent and upcoming meetings; see Previous semesters for past meetings). Meetings are often held around lunch hour, but can be scheduled during other times of the day, at various locations on campus. Meetings typically last one hour and adhere to the following format:


1. Introduction: Coordinator(s) formally introduce the topic, paper, and presenters.
If there are new participants, quick introductions can be made.
2. Overview of Study: Presenter discusses (with or without audiovisual aids) main points of article: objective(s), method, findings, conclusions. (10 min)
3. Appraisal: Presenter discusses main points of critical appraisal, including reliability and validity of study, and its applicability to practice. (15 min)
4. Discussion: Presenter can either choose to do a “tour de table” for comments from everyone, and/or ask specific questions for the remainder of the meeting. Depending on the number of participants and structure, they should manage this time appropriately. (30 minutes)
5. Conclusion: Coordinator(s) formally thank the presenters and participants, and remind everyone of the next meeting date and topic.


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